Custom Car Show Display Sign Boards
We have been making Custom Car Show Display Sign Boards for over 20 years and continue to create new designs.
This year we are introducing a revolutionary design that is the most durable we have made to date.
Our new Aluminum Sign joins our family of custom car show sign display boards and we are very proud of the product.
Signs are printed 16x24 or 24 x 36* and laminated on 1/4" Black Plexiglas or Aluminum (*24x36 Aluminum Only)
Both are very rigid and protected against the weather. Either will work well indoors or outdoor
There are (4) to choose from, a One Piece with Stand alone Stand, the Aluminum and the Plexiglas backed - plus our newest - The Retractable Sign.
And we also offer a ToPick Replacement Style Sign. This Sign is 10.5" x 23.5" and is laminated. It is a poster only - no Stand available
NEW Retractable

A FEW OF OUR PAST SIGNS Click on one to see a larger view, See more in Customer Photos

Retractable Sign
Pulls out to 16" x 33"
13 oz. Super Smooth Grayback
Our highly durable 13 oz. Super Smooth Grayback
banner material is thick and professional.
This material won't curl, keeping your banner taut and presentable.
In addition, the gray backing prevents light transparency and shadows
Premium Stand
Beautiful & sturdy with a high-end appearance
Banner stand packages includes black, padded canvas carrying case
Design Changes can be made replacing the material.
No need to buy another Stand
Works great indoors and outdoors in low wind conditions
*Usually takes two weeks start to finish
$185 shipped


One Piece
Plexiglas backing

Aluminum Sign


Large Aluminum 24x36
ToPick Style

